General Features
- Unlimited venues with real-time sale reporting .
- Unlimited barcodes per products.
- Hold and resume concurrent sales and transactions.
- Full stock control.
- Unlimited mix and match promotions that can be scheduled for any date and time range.
- Buy one, get one free or discounted.
- Advance voucher printing based on sales value of selected products.
- Proof of age display.
- Integrated customer advertising display with built in Flash designer .
- Liquor file Price book import.
- Integrated with major suppliers, ALM, ILG, LMG and more.
- Integrated fully with Xero, MYO B, Ouickbooks, Reckon Accounts plus more.
- CCTV Interface for extra security and identification.
- Smart shelf label designer and printing options.
- Customer loyalty system .
- Issue and redeem loyalty points for spending at POS.
- Advance m ail- m erge, email-merge and SMS options for communicating with your custom ers.
- Pay at car Tyro integration , for drive through bottle sho ps.
- Hand held PDE for stock takes.
The SwiftPOS Bottle Shop Solution delivers genuine real time management capabilities. The Solution is loaded with new functionality that will enable you to improve efficiency, reduce costs, manage resources, control your inventory and ultimately improve profitability.
Delivering speed and a vast amount of powerful features which are crucial in today's operations. Reliable Hardware is a crucial part of any pos system, ensure you have reliable hardware and we are able to bring you a very powerful and robust system.
Live Dash Boards
Dashboards allow you to monitor your live data, sales and clerks for making the best out of your system. Dashboard become a great management tool to be able to review data from one week to the next.
Our POS Systems help you to improve your bottom line by providing you with the tools to manage and control stock, cash, membership/loyalty, staff and security.
Our systems also help detect problems such as theft and wastage before they get out of hand. You know exactly what your inventory is at any given time - up until the last sale with the real time processing of sales transactions. We can link every sales transaction to the member purchasing, allowing you to review your sales and adjust your products and processes in ways which will benefit your members.
The total system can be centrally managed from one host PC using the back office software. While the POS terminals will run standalone with no central point of failure, some advanced features which draw information from the host PC can be utilised with all the benefits of an on-line POS system.
These include integration with supplier invoicing, loyalty systems, security cameras and accounting packages such as MYOB, Xero and Quickbooks.
Rather then logging into your system we can provide, a web portal that you can change clerks, products, view sales reports and you POS terminal activity. Whether you are on holidays, in the office or at home. This means you can have full control of your business wherever you are located at any time of the day.
Major Supplier Integrations
SwiftPOS is integrated with all major suppliers including ALM, ILG, LMG and all independents.
Our integrations include the following;
- Ability to import invoices
- Download/import or promotions from selected suppliers
- Liquor price book for product creation and import